Welcome to Growing In Grace Ministry!

The very idea that GOD exists and is concerned about our everyday lives led me to a lifetime of pursuing HIM.  I didn’t know then, but I was growing in grace as I sought to understand the depth of His Love for me.   Looking for my place in this world, how and why I was created.  As a child I spent a lot of time alone, seeking an unknown God.  I would often hear His voice and not really understand who was speaking but had peace in hearing.  Once I was born again, an amazing journey began. The relationship that was developed from an unknown voice, I found to be God, all supreme, all knowing and my friend.

I discovered Grace growth as a transformational process that happens over an undesignated, undetermined period of time.  From this, I learned the key to all supernatural growth in Grace is allowing time for the Word of God to take root long enough to bear fruit in every season. 

Growth in grace is powered strictly and unequivocally by the Word of God and His unfailing love, which makes growth both spontaneous and inevitable.   LOVE is the driving force and foundation of all growth in grace.  Our pursuit of an intimate relationship and fellowship with God is the only determination of how we Grow in Grace.

A ministry of misfits uniquely designed divinely equipped.

United by love | Empowered by Grace

misfits (plural noun)
1. a person whose behavior or attitude sets them apartfrom others in an uncomfortably
conspicuous way (standing out so as to be clearly visible):

To sanctify something is to set it apart for God's special use and purpose.