But continue to grow and increase in God's grace and intimacy with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May he receive all the glory both now and until the day eternity begins. Amen! 2 Peter 3:18 TPT


As a community of believers, we serve and inspire people to learn Christ and grow their intimate fellowship with Him. It is our vision to love with God’s unfailing love and share that love as a witness of who God is, a lover without limits. We act in grace and faith continually as visible expressions of God’s Word, ushering in His triumphant return as we grow in grace together.


To change the mindset of generations of the churched and unchurched to be Holy Spirit led people who hear God’s voice and are a visible expression of Christ, changing and impacting lives all over the world as we grow in Grace together.


Our goal is to encourage intimate fellowship with God through acts of kindness and love, making the world our platform and showcase of His Grace.


The objective of our ministry is to serve and develop communities; spreading the Grace message, through acts of kindness, in education, life application programs and creative works within the fine arts that ministers and makes the Word of God digestible for every season and every circumstance of life so that we can continually grow by its nourishment, through our daily application of its power.